“A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is the means by which Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and local authorities will describe the future health, care and well-being needs of local populations and the strategic direction of service delivery to meet those needs.” -Commissioning Framework for Health and Well-being Department of Health 2007
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (from NHS Surrey - Helen Atkinson 2012)
The ‘one plan’ is how the NHS in Surrey will ensure a coordinated approach to the delivery of the National Operating Plan priorities. It includes the NHS Surrey Financial Plans, QIPP plans, Contracting Intentions and Transition Plans. The Ambition of the ‘One plan’ is delivery of safe, effective care within financial balance. The strategic approach is to ensure that the resources for Surrey next year are targeted at improving the overall health of the whole population and reducing the demand on health services. The ‘one plan’ delivery cycle includes several key documents. The data and evidence from the JSNA support the recommendations for clinical services within the Clinical Strategy. These recommendations are set within the available resource envelopes (both money and staff) which in turn feeds the contract negotiations and QIPP Plans. The QIPP plan becomes the annual operating plan for 2012/13 and sets out what has to be done to deliver the savings for next financial year and the following two years.